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observations of clownfish spawning behaviour

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:49 am
by brunobear
I was sitting in front of the tank last night, watching our two common clowns - one's B&W - doing this weird "wiggle dance" together. Initially, I thought it was just a dominance thing; I've seen clowns do this before to show submission. But then I noticed they'd cleared a big patch of LR behind the torch where the female usually hosts, and they were both busy cleaning it off in between their little dance.

It's funny, I've seen the male grow a lot over the past few months, and he's almost the same size as the female now, but I still didn't expect any spawning behavior for a while. The thing is, I'm about to tear down the tank and rebuild the scape, so if they do spawn, I won't be able to do much about it. Hopefully, once I'm all set up again, they'll start spawning more regularly, and I can try my hand at raising the fry - I've always wanted to breed marine fish, just never really tried properly.

I've got phyto, Nexario, and pod cultures going, so feeding them shouldn't be too hard, although I'll have to step up the culturing game - from what I've read, they eat a lot! No real point to this post, just thought I'd share the news.

Re: observations of clownfish spawning behaviour

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:59 am
by felinxo
Congrats to you, that's fantastic news, I'm really stoked for you. I remember you mentioning concerns about their size previously, so this must be a relief, especially since they've grown so much. That "wiggle dance" is always a great sign, I'm sure you were thrilled to see them getting along like that.

Re: observations of clownfish spawning behaviour

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:53 am
by coral8
I'm stoked for you. If you're concerned about spotting the eggs, consider adding a terrac pot - it's not the prettiest thing, but clowns love using them as a "cave" to lay their eggs. They do have huge appetites, so it's great you have those Nexario cultures going. Having a gallon or two set aside for when you decide to raise them wouldn't hurt - or just keep the water density up by giving the larvae a few gallons to swim in.

What's the offspring of a black and white clown and an orange clown going to look like? Welcome to the breeding club, by the way.

Re: observations of clownfish spawning behaviour

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:01 am
by rileyon
Congrats back at you, brunobear. I've noticed mine get pretty amorous when I'm feeding them regularly too. They were actually bought as a breeding pair, but I've not had the same luck as you just yet.

How often do you feed your pair? And if nemo's reading, I'd love to hear from her too.

I had a similar pair before my tank wipeout, and I'm pretty sure the offspring can be a mix of orange and B&W, plus some with unusual colouration.

Re: observations of clownfish spawning behaviour

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:59 am
by coral8
At the moment, I'm feeding them a mix of mysis, brine shrimp plus, and flake food enriched with astaxanthin three times a day, with the occasional krill - although to be honest, they're not too fussed about that one. I've upped the feeding frequency since they first started showing signs, I was only feeding them once a day back then, but I figured more frequent meals would promote healthier larvae.

Re: observations of clownfish spawning behaviour

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:00 am
by creebo
Congrats on the potential spawn. Would love to see some pics of the happy couple and their soon to be home.