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Female betta fish care and advice

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 1:21 pm
by sunsetter
I'm curious about keeping female bettas with other fish. I've come across info saying they can do well in groups with other females, but I'm unsure if they'd be compatible with other species like Guppies.

Re: Female betta fish care and advice

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 1:56 pm
by CasCat
Honestly, I think it's a risk not worth taking.

With community bettas, even females, there are a few concerns. For one, food distribution can be a problem - a betta's got less chance of getting a controlled portion, which can lead to overeating and issues with bloat. And as you know, bettas are already prone to bloat, which often ends in dropsy - nearly always fatal.

My female betta's got a nasty streak - can't even keep her with shrimp, not even the larger ghost or amano ones; she tears them apart. Sudden aggression towards tankmates is a real issue, even with females.

Then there's the temperature thing - bettas need 78-82F, but many community fish do better at lower temps. Finding that middle ground where no fish is at the extreme of their temp range can be tricky.

Re: Female betta fish care and advice

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:17 pm
by flourish
I've had a good experience with 9 pygmy corys and my male betta. He's pretty chill, but still likes to chase them - just not past his own turf. I think tank size and the betta's personality make a big difference.

Re: Female betta fish care and advice

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:17 pm
by folkyst
Some female bettas can be pretty feisty too, they might just take a chunk out of those guppies.

Re: Female betta fish care and advice

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:56 pm
by oceanly
Sorry I'm late to the conversation, but I wanted to chime in. I think when considering tankmates for a betta, it's best to avoid fish with bright colors and long, flowing fins - they might just trigger a betta's chase instinct. I've had a pretty good experience with my young betta, who lives with neptunes and platies. He's super laid back and doesn't bother them at all. Of course, I know not all bettas are like that - some can be pretty aggressive. I think it really comes down to the individual betta's temperament.