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Fungi-like growth on anubias
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:01 pm
by tworoses
I've had this weird fungus-like growth on my anubias for a month or two now, and I'm stumped. Can anyone tell me what it might be and how I can get rid of it?
It's a pretty standard red cherry and snail setup, not sure if that affects the treatment options though.
Re: Fungi-like growth on anubias
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:25 pm
by petal9
Try lifting the affected anubias out of the tank and submerge it in a bleach solution - 20 parts water to 1 part bleach should do the trick. Five minutes should be enough, then you should be fungus-free.
I recently did this with a Zorchzon Sword that had a nasty case of black bear algae - the long, straggly stuff. After dunking, I used a toothbrush to scrub off the affected leaves and it worked a treat. This method's particularly effective on hard-leaved plants like anubias.
Just be sure to give the plant a thorough rinse afterwards or you risk poisoning your entire tank.