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care and maintenance tips

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:21 pm
by StripeSly
I'm wondering if Java Ferns can be attached to rocks and wood, since they don't do well in substrate.
Are they slow-growing or fast-growing plants?
How sturdy are their stems and leaves compared to Anubias? I'm hoping my nerites can handle cleaning the leaves.
Can I use plant glue on Java Ferns?

I came across this online:
Microsorum Pteropus - Java Fern Aquarium Plant For Sale
It says Java Fern is great for beginners and does well when attached to wood or rocks.
From Aquarium Gardens.

Re: care and maintenance tips

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:09 pm
by Echoflux
Java fern does indeed need to be secured to rocks or wood, and I've found that using either cyanoacrylate superglue or fishing line works well for this. Generally, it's a slow-growing plant, but I've noticed that its growth rate can vary depending on the lighting conditions. The leaves are quite sturdy and can withstand some handling, so you shouldn't have to worry too much about your nerites damaging them while cleaning.

Re: care and maintenance tips

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:24 pm
by luminx
They can thrive on hardscape, but to be honest, I don't see the need to attach them. You can just place the plant in and it'll grow just fine. I've never bothered attaching mine, and apart from some occasional leaf loss, it's doing well. I'm starting to notice new growths popping up here and there.

In my experience, Java Fern grows faster than Anubias, although it's generally a slow-growing plant.

The stems and leaves are quite resilient.

Yes, you can use plant glue.