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Are cherry barbs eating my dwarf hairgrass?
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:15 am
by crafty
I just dropped a small fortune on Dwarf Hairgrass and those pesky cherry barb males of mine are constantly uprooting it and devouring it. Any advice or am I doomed to watch them destroy it?
Re: Are cherry barbs eating my dwarf hairgrass?
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:33 am
by bigtop
I can relate to your issue with the Dwarf Hairgrass, my Black Ruby Barbs are notorious for nibbling on my aquatic plants, like hornwort and water sprite. They're omnivores, so they need a varied diet, I've found a veggie-based flake works well for them, supplemented with Cucumber shreds and sera spirulina tabs. Occasionally, they'll even poke holes in my sword plants, it's quite frustrating.
Re: Are cherry barbs eating my dwarf hairgrass?
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:39 am
by MommiePie
I've had a similar experience with my cherry barbs and dwarf hairgrass. They're always nipping at it and I'm constantly finding bits in the filter strainer, replanting them in the hopes they'll leave it be.
Re: Are cherry barbs eating my dwarf hairgrass?
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:50 am
by whetu
Those Cherry Barbs just can't resist, can they? Annoying them, I think not - it's more like their favorite snack.