Experiment with a silver dollar planted tank
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:52 pm
I took over this tank from a family member a couple years ago - it was basically a bare tank with two five-year-old silver dollars. I've had my fair share of struggles with plants before, but I've always been intrigued by the idea of a planted silver dollar tank. My silvers have never been fans of hornwort, water sprite, or java fern, so I've been doing some research and planning to give it another shot.
I've finally started the overhaul - it's been five days now, and things are going alright. I used a mix of organic potting soil, old play sand, and eco complete as the substrate, with some red lava rock for decoration. I've had some success with potting soil in the past - I used it in a 20-gallon tank and managed to grow some great hornwort and java fern.
I gave the tank a complete makeover, moving out the fish for a day and draining it. I rehomed eight of the Rosy barbs and kept five, then planted as many different types of plants as I could think of - five different crypts, java fern, water sprite, lilaeospsis, valisneria, ambulia, anubias, and some floating duckweed and water spangles. The softer plants have taken a beating, but it's not too bad so far. I've been feeding the silvers a veggie-based flake and supplementing with whatever organic veggies I have on hand.
I picked up some driftwood to attach the anubias and java fern to, and I also got an automatic light - it's made a huge difference in the tank's appearance, even if the plants don't make it. I'm not getting my hopes up just yet - I'm expecting some plants to die off in the next few weeks. For now, I'm just treating this as an experiment and seeing where it goes.
As you can see from the pictures, some of the plants have already taken a hit - that's after just five days. I'm planning to add some more plants later this month - more crypts, water sprite, and ambulia, plus some pearl weed and water lettuce from one of my other tanks. I also want to add some java moss to the driftwood, but that'll have to wait for now.
My 20-gallon tank is looking good too - it's just got a dwarf gourami, three ADFs, a nirite, and a bunch of pest snails for now. I'm thinking of adding some shrimp soon. I just put in a banana plant and some Creeping Charlie stems, and it's looking pretty nice.
I've finally started the overhaul - it's been five days now, and things are going alright. I used a mix of organic potting soil, old play sand, and eco complete as the substrate, with some red lava rock for decoration. I've had some success with potting soil in the past - I used it in a 20-gallon tank and managed to grow some great hornwort and java fern.
I gave the tank a complete makeover, moving out the fish for a day and draining it. I rehomed eight of the Rosy barbs and kept five, then planted as many different types of plants as I could think of - five different crypts, java fern, water sprite, lilaeospsis, valisneria, ambulia, anubias, and some floating duckweed and water spangles. The softer plants have taken a beating, but it's not too bad so far. I've been feeding the silvers a veggie-based flake and supplementing with whatever organic veggies I have on hand.
I picked up some driftwood to attach the anubias and java fern to, and I also got an automatic light - it's made a huge difference in the tank's appearance, even if the plants don't make it. I'm not getting my hopes up just yet - I'm expecting some plants to die off in the next few weeks. For now, I'm just treating this as an experiment and seeing where it goes.
As you can see from the pictures, some of the plants have already taken a hit - that's after just five days. I'm planning to add some more plants later this month - more crypts, water sprite, and ambulia, plus some pearl weed and water lettuce from one of my other tanks. I also want to add some java moss to the driftwood, but that'll have to wait for now.
My 20-gallon tank is looking good too - it's just got a dwarf gourami, three ADFs, a nirite, and a bunch of pest snails for now. I'm thinking of adding some shrimp soon. I just put in a banana plant and some Creeping Charlie stems, and it's looking pretty nice.