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A simple betta setup guide

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:34 pm
by TimeLord
I've been having a tough time keeping planted tanks going for about a year now. I'm trying to set up one that'll last. Here's my plan: I'm thinking one anubias plant, some guppy grass, and a few floating plants. I'll be using a cap full of flourish fertilizer twice a week. I've also got some dirt and terrac at the bottom. I'd love to hear if anyone thinks this is a sustainable setup. My tank's 5.5 gallons and it's got a shop light.

Re: A simple betta setup guide

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:49 pm
by coltin
I'd advise against using Anubias as the sole plant, considering they're not true aquatic plants. You'd be better off with a more suitable option, or at least complement them with other aquatic plants.

For fertilization, I'd recommend using an iron-based fertilizer, and testing the iron levels in the tank before adding it. This ensures you're not under or overdosing, which can be detrimental to the tank's health.

As for the substrate, I'd strongly advise against using dirt or potting mix, as they contain organic matter that breaks down and releases ammonia over time. If you prefer sand, make sure to get a clean, aquarium-specific variety.

Regarding the terrac, I'd suggest making small balls, about 10mm in diameter, letting them dry, and then pushing them into the substrate under the plants. This seems to be the most effective way to utilize terrac in your setup.

Re: A simple betta setup guide

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:01 pm
by lucida
You're right, coltin, about the dirt. I didn't think about the organic matter breaking down. I've heard of people using garden soil in their tanks, but I guess that's not the way to go. Instead, I'll look for a clean sand or a special plant substrate, like the ones they sell in lots of shops. I'll also switch to an iron-based fertiliser and test the iron levels first. And, I'll make those small terrac balls like you suggested. Thanks for the advice.