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seeking bangaii cardinal advice

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:08 pm
by fish_hawk
I'm about 4-6 weeks away from getting a new fish.

I've got a soft spot for bangaii cardinal fish, and I've already got one in my 60l nano - it's the only fish in there at the moment. I'm thinking of getting another one, and they'll be the only two fish in the tank. Looking at pics of bangaii pairs in other people's tanks, I reckon I've got a male. If I try to get a female, do you think they'll pair up? If I can't get a female, if I add another cardinal, does it need to be the same size as my current one? And will my current bangaii become more active during the day - come out more and not just stick to the back corners and front corner? It seems like it's really active at lights out, when I'm in bed.

Re: seeking bangaii cardinal advice

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:09 pm
by zenoxa
I'm no expert on cardinals, but from what I know, they're nocturnal, so it's no surprise your guy's active at lights out. Adding another male might not be the best idea, but if you can find a female, they'll likely pair up - they're mouthbrooders, after all.

Re: seeking bangaii cardinal advice

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:06 pm
by lumenox
I've had no issues with multiple bangaii cardinals in the same system, I currently have two males in one tank and it's working out fine. In another system, I have a male and a female but they've never paired up, seems they're happy just coexisting.