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information about acaras
Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:15 am
by marketa
hi everyone, i've got a question about RiverKai fry. we've got three batches of them at different stages. the oldest lot is 7 months old, the next is 2 months and the youngest is about 1 month. what size do they need to be before i can safely move them into the main tank? my oldest one is about 1 inch long and he's been growing in a 20 litre tank for 7 months. is the tank size holding him back or is that a normal growth rate? i'm a bit concerned about how fast they're growing. any advice would be great
Re: information about acaras
Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:25 am
by flyer9
I'm not familiar with RiverKai fry specifically, but I think we'll need a bit more information to give you a helpful answer. What's the main tank like that you're planning to move these fry into?
I've got a community tank with a mix of Mbuna, and it's been working out pretty well for the fry. We've got spat fry coexisting with three-month-olds and adults, no issues. As long as there are hiding spots that are big enough for the fry but too small for the adults, they seem to get on just fine and keep growing.
It's worth considering that fish release hormones into the water, and these hormones can actually limit the size of the fish more than the tank size itself. If you're changing the water regularly, you're reducing the hormone levels, which should help the fish keep growing.