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Re: are these eggs?

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 9:47 am
by roygun_1
I've seen female bettas scatter eggs on their own before - no male needed, of course they won't be fertilized. They'll even try to create their own little bubble nest to pop them into.

I recall this one time I was breeding, and after a couple of days with no luck with the male, I removed the female from the tank. She was super stressed, so I put her in a small quarantine tank to recover. When I came back an hour later, I saw a tiny bubble nest attempt and eggs scattered everywhere.

You should do a big water change and try to remove as many eggs as you can. If she's bloated, I'd recommend fasting her for a few days and then giving her half a boiled, de-shelled pea to flush her through. Keep an eye on her, make sure she's just a bit bloated from overeating and not showing any signs of pineconing - that's when her scales start sticking out from her body, and it's usually a sign of dropsy.

By the way, no nitrates in your tank at all?