Thanks again for the continued advice, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, more length isn't an option for me, I've checked and that's just not feasible. I've taken some more measurements and I could squeeze an extra 10-15 cm out of the width, which would help with the surface area, but the length is fixed.
Rivvol8, thanks for suggesting Lake Tanganyika cichlids - I'll definitely look into that. From my research, I'm becoming more and more convinced that overcrowding is possible if you've got the right filtration and aeration in place, which leaves me with two main concerns.
Firstly, water changes. I'm used to doing weekly 10% water changes in my planted tank, but I'm not sure what the rule of thumb is for an unplanted, crowded tank. How much water would I need to change, and how often, to keep the nitrates under control?
Secondly, how many fish to stock. I've read that you need to crowd the tank from the start, before the fish have had a chance to grow and establish territories. I'm used to starting with a low number of fish and gradually increasing the stock as they grow, based on ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. But it seems like that approach won't work if you're overcrowding, so you need to get it right first time. Is there a guide or a rule of thumb for this?
new to keeping cichlids
Re: new to keeping cichlids
For maintaining good water quality in your overcrowded tank, I'd recommend aiming for 30-50% water changes every week, especially if you've got top-notch filtration. If your filtration is standard for the tank size, you'll likely need to do more frequent water changes. The frequency really depends on the fish you choose to stock, as each species has its own preferences and quirks.