Here they are

Chat about all things related to Discus, from purchasing to breeding and everything in between. One of the most beautiful species in the hobby
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Re: Here they are

Post by lunar »

Re: Here they are

I'm with you on that, no judge or critic here. Your discus are looking great, enjoy the ride. Not sure about the UV, doesn't seem like the best spot for eggs. This is a bad time to get into discus, the colors and shapes are insane. I'm having to control myself or I'll end up with a whole lot more. Kenny's ads are trouble. I picked this guy up in September, huge difference from the 80s.
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Re: Here they are

Post by Finny »

Re: Here they are

Like you I too am no judge or critic!! Your discus look great enjoy! Not sure but I don’t think the uv is a good place to lay eggs.
This is a dangerous time to get into discus! The colors and shapes of the fish are amazing. Really have to control myself or I’ll have a hundred more of these guys. Kenny’s adds should not be allowed. Bought this guy in sept.[ATTACH]129382[/ATTACH]. Big difference since the 80s .

I'm with you, those adds should come with a warning label. I'm serious, they're like a siren's call to us discus enthusiasts.

Your discus is a real stunner, bro. I love the way the light catches its colors.

I've noticed the same thing - the fish we have today are so much more vibrant and varied than what we had back in the day. I had a batch of discus in the 70s and 80s, and they were tough as nails, but nothing like what we have now.

I fed them live tubifex worms and only changed the water every week or two. I also kept them with angelfish, and never had any issues. They'd get dark and stop eating, and I knew it was time for a water change. I'd do a 25% change, and they'd perk right back up.

We didn't have all the fancy equipment back then - just under gravel filters and a lot of trial and error. Then I got into saltwater for a while, but now I'm back to discus and loving every minute of it.
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Re: Here they are

Post by Finny »

Re: Here they are

Just got done checking the tank, and it's a no-go on this spawn. All the eggs have turned white.
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Re: Here they are

Post by sonyx »

Re: Here they are

No, just my discus group.
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