Darken for few minutes

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Re: Darken for few minutes

Post by seaquake »

Re: Darken for few minutes
Seeing that biofilm makes me think the tank's out of balance. Under the microscope, it's just lines, strands, and balls - proteins, lipids, etc. Head standing usually means swim bladder issues, but I don't think that's it here, especially since there's no lump or bulge. What's your water change routine? Do you age and aerate the water? What's the percentage of water changes? Is the tank cycled? Any nitrites present?
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Re: Darken for few minutes

Post by Blossp »

Re: Darken for few minutes

When I see biofilm like that it leads me to believe that your tank is not balanced. All you'll see under a microscope is something that looks like lines, strands and balls. Proteins, lipids ect. Usually head standing is a sign something is wrong with he swim bladder but I don't think that is the case with these discus, especially if you don't see a lump or bulge at the swim bladder. You didn't say how much water was changed and your routine. Or if you age and aerate your water and % of WC. Is your tank cycled? Are there any nitrites present?

Not sure about those proteins or lipids under the microscope, maybe I missed it. I'll take another sample and share a photo. Something unwanted is building up there. Luckily, I have another filter in the corner - the black one with ceramic rings, carbon, and sponge.

I've been testing a theory with a 48h starvation diet for the fish. First day was better, less of this strange behavior and for shorter periods. Second day was even better - no darkening or head standing at all. It must be something in the food. Maybe the biofilm on the sponge is a consequence of that.

My usual mix is lamb heart, prawns, king fish, peas, carrot, spirulina, paprika powder, gelatin, garlic, and vitamins. Nothing fancy, but apparently something is wrong. Today, I've prepared a different mix - beef heart, shrimp, salmon, paprika, gelatin, spirulina, and vitamins. No veggies this time, beef instead of lamb, shrimp instead of prawns, and salmon instead of king fish. Hopefully, it'll be better.

As for water, I do 30% changes twice a week. No water aging, since my tap water is from a factory RO system - no chlorine or nitrates. Still using a 3-stage filter, though. Water parameters are:
pH 7.2
TDS 70
Kh 4dH
Gh 5dH
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Re: Darken for few minutes

Post by belleora »

Re: Darken for few minutes

I'm seeing a potential issue with your feeding schedule and water change routine. Three meals a day with a mix that's got a lot going on - that's a lot of nutrients and potential waste. And with only 30% water changes twice a week, I'd worry about an imbalance building up.

I'd definitely check your nitrate levels, see where you're at. Up the water changes and you might see an improvement.
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Re: Darken for few minutes

Post by FairyFish »

Re: Darken for few minutes

Garlic and gelatin, a recipe for digestive issues.
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Re: Darken for few minutes

Post by Blossp »

Re: Darken for few minutes

Gralic and gelatin that's a prescription for Gas-X.


I've seen that trick before, using gelatin to stick food to the bowl sides for raising fry.
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