Search found 157 matches
- Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:04 pm
- Forum: Fresh Water Plants
- Topic: have you ever stopped to think about your tank?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 3516
Re: have you ever stopped to think about your tank?
I think adding some rocks could be a great idea - break up all the plants and wood, give it another focal point. You've got a lot going on with the driftwood and the plants, maybe some rocks would add a nice contrast. Could help get rid of that "wall" look LacieB was talking about too.
- Thu Nov 07, 2024 6:27 pm
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Mixing wild and bred discus
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9141
Re: Mixing wild and bred discus
Re: Mixing wild and bred discus
Sounds like a great setup. What size are the wild discus? Any pics of them?
Sounds like a great setup. What size are the wild discus? Any pics of them?
- Thu Nov 07, 2024 1:30 pm
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Mixing wild and bred discus
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9141
Re: Mixing wild and bred discus
Re: Mixing wild and bred discus
I think it's doable. After a 4-6 week quarantine, try introducing one of your least favorite Kenny's discus to the wild discus tank. Observe them for 2-4 weeks and see how it goes. If everything works out, you can then gradually introduce them to your main tank. What ...
I think it's doable. After a 4-6 week quarantine, try introducing one of your least favorite Kenny's discus to the wild discus tank. Observe them for 2-4 weeks and see how it goes. If everything works out, you can then gradually introduce them to your main tank. What ...
- Mon Oct 14, 2024 6:36 pm
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: A question about color.
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11969
Re: A question about color.
Re: A question about color.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the suggestions. I never thought about feeding my discus reef or saltwater food. Does Astaxanthin come in a supplement or is it already in some foods? Where can I find it?
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the suggestions. I never thought about feeding my discus reef or saltwater food. Does Astaxanthin come in a supplement or is it already in some foods? Where can I find it?
- Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:23 pm
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: A question about color.
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11969
A question about color.
Got 2 discus in Sept and they were this gorgeous bright red when I first got 'em. 4 days in, they changed to this amazing red blue. Now, 2 months later, they're startin' to turn brown. Been feedin' 'em blackworms with red enhancers and color flakes. What do I need to add to their diet to get the red ...
- Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:11 pm
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Universal Rocks Background
- Replies: 6
- Views: 9642
Re: Universal Rocks Background
Re: Universal Rocks Background
I've also got black backgrounds in my discus tanks. Not sure if that's the cause of peppering, but my pigeons are definitely doing it. I'm curious to see how your new background turns out. Looking forward to some pics.
I've also got black backgrounds in my discus tanks. Not sure if that's the cause of peppering, but my pigeons are definitely doing it. I'm curious to see how your new background turns out. Looking forward to some pics.
- Tue Oct 08, 2024 5:07 am
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Feeding -Especially Stendker Discus
- Replies: 7
- Views: 10949
Re: Feeding -Especially Stendker Discus
Re: Feeding -Especially Stendker Discus
I feed my Stendker discus whatever they'll take - flakes, frozen foods, color bits, and crisps. Mine aren't fussy, they'll eat most anything I add. I also give them a treat once or twice a week - usually frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp.
I feed my Stendker discus whatever they'll take - flakes, frozen foods, color bits, and crisps. Mine aren't fussy, they'll eat most anything I add. I also give them a treat once or twice a week - usually frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp.
- Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:13 am
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Stunted Juvenile Discus?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 13733
Re: Stunted Juvenile Discus?
Re: Stunted Juvenile Discus?
Considering you're doing 60% daily water changes, the Stability is essentially being removed and re-added with each change. Since you're doing a fish-in cycle, your tank will cycle over time. The frequent water changes will keep your fish healthy.
Considering you're doing 60% daily water changes, the Stability is essentially being removed and re-added with each change. Since you're doing a fish-in cycle, your tank will cycle over time. The frequent water changes will keep your fish healthy.
- Sun Oct 06, 2024 10:56 pm
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Stunted Juvenile Discus?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 13733
Re: Stunted Juvenile Discus?
Your discus look healthy to me. I think you're on the right track, just maintain your routine and they should thrive. I personally don't use Prime often. Stability seems similar to Prime - are they not redundant? What are your tap water test results like?
- Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:47 am
- Forum: Discus
- Topic: Digital Aquarium Water Testing?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 14407
Re: Digital Aquarium Water Testing?
Re: Digital Aquarium Water Testing?
I've always been skeptical about the high nitrate hype. It's just a marketing ploy to sell products. 'High nitrates? No problem, just buy our nitrate-absorbing gizmo.' I've heard it all before - from the 'pond guru' claiming his fancy lava rocks will magically ...
I've always been skeptical about the high nitrate hype. It's just a marketing ploy to sell products. 'High nitrates? No problem, just buy our nitrate-absorbing gizmo.' I've heard it all before - from the 'pond guru' claiming his fancy lava rocks will magically ...